Monday 11 June 2012


This must be my 3rd article on facebook in the last month or so.the reason is simple I spend a lot of time on facebook,I belong to over 60 groups, subscribe to about 30 or so pages, advocate and belong to a number of causes and I interact with my family and friends easily through one medium. From my father down to my son practically my entire family has an account on Facebook.I will not sing fb praises, rather today I will give unsolicited advice on social media and decorum. Decorum means propriety, appropriateness, good behavior and dignity, Every decent lady is supposed to have decorum in all her interactions. Discipline is another important requirement for social interactions especially between the sexes or else Mark Zuckerbergs fortune would not be enough to settle the number of divorces fb has and will cause in the our Islamic groups on fb we have fought many wanna be scholars or keyboard ulamas who insist that social media is haram forbidden ,remove your pictures women, get your husbands permission before joining and participating in social media, don’t have men on your friends list, do not interact with men even in posting etc
At first I withdrew from fb, then I returned and ignored people, removed my photograph and put my sons, made sure married was my marital status but did that stop top strange men from sending greetings? No! Maybe I’m talking from the point of view of an old married woman but I foresee dangers that apply to all women irrespective of age, marital status, religion, education level, financial power.
1.     I will start with photos do you know how easy it is for anyone on your friends list and sometimes even the public to copy or download your photos? Very easy in fact too easy.
2.     Photoshop; many people can now change and or distort photographs anyway they want.your beautiful face smiling at your daughter or cousin in a photograph can be changed to you smiling at Barack Obama in the white house with Goodluck Jonathan looking on .Even worse your innocent photograph fully clothed can be changed and your face put on that of a naked woman with very few people able to see the disparity. Many celebrities have had their faces put on the naked bodies of porn stars in x rated pictures.
TO BE CONTINUED.............