Monday 2 July 2012


Aishas "Max" Industry
Sometimes in life we overlook the achievements of our family members and close friends and concentrate on what others have achieved elsewhere but I was lucky to look around my immediate circle first to see who has a home based business, enjoys self employment and serves as an inspiration to others far and wide. The first name that came to my mind was Aisha Sa’ad Althani popularly called Ya Nana.
Aisha is the Chief Executive officer of Décor Max and Food Max A successful catering business based in the ancient but modern city of Kano that has the capacity and works on projects all over Nigeria.
RL: Hajiya Aisha why did you choose catering as your source of livelihood?
Aisha: Its something I do with pleasure, I love doing what I do, the catering business comes naturally to me,I love creating things that appeal to me and others. My family got me into catering, my immediate senior brother Saad’udeen kept telling me to turn my gift of organization and catering into a business as I used to do it for free for friends and family members. I was always up and about at weddings I attended helping out in one way or the other.
RL: How did the transition happen from a habit to a vocation?
Aisha: My good friend Amina Bello pulled out the courage in me by commanding me with so much confidence. All she said was,” Nana, I know you can do it and you are doing my wedding this is a job for you give me the bill tomorrow”. I froze out of fear and apprehension.
RL: What challenges did you face before starting?
Aisha; My fear was fear of failure; it was no longer out of fun, I was now going to do it for money what if my clients didn’t like my work? I questioned myself over and over. People would now have the right to complain. Another challenge was creating time for my family needs, whenever I had an event to work on I would be off like a rollercoaster.
RL: What of your husband and children?
Aisha: They have been fantastic over the years.
RL: Is a formal education necessary to do what you do?
Aisha: To an extent yes, but just basics. I attended East Elementary Athens Ohio and Bayero University Staff school for my primary school education. St Louis senior secondary school and I have a degree in English language from Bayero University Kano.
RL: What of catering school did you train in Nigeria or abroad?
Aisha: I never got any training in a school, I learned on the job, I visualize and create my ideas, and I practice in my dining room as you can see from one of the pictures. I notice things a lot and I store away the useful things I see around me that I can add to my designs. Sometimes watching T.v which I rarely have time to do or reading magazines or books I pick ideas or adapt ideas to my unique theme. My work is a mixture of practical real life things and my imagination.
RL: How did you build your clientele?
Aisha: My primary work was for my friends. I started by being my clients friend so whoever wanted to hire me I made myself available, other peoples interest built over time, I started full Décor and part catering with a friends nieces wedding. Alhamdulillah we pulled it off successfully.
RL: What of your employees how many do you have and are they all full time employees?
Aisha: I could only afford a small staff with monthly salaries but when there’s a job I gather my workforce from all over; Lagos, Abuja, Kaduna and of course our base Kano where the majority come from; but It depends on the size of the job .For small jobs my boys handle them with different degrees of supervision.
RL: What do you dislike in your job?
I love my job but I would rather not take a job than do an unprofessional job, some clients can be difficult and may not appreciate what is created for them so one needs to fully understand the clients request and keep them focused on what needs to be done. Another frustrating thing is serving of food, Nigerians are used to “African time” I cannot serve spoilt food .Some dishes are prepared to be eaten in a particular way but serving the dish hours late spoils the flavor.
RL: What’s the “Max” about?
At this point every question had been mulled over carefully by Aisha and answered with passion and humour but this question was answered with pride and a visible sense of accomplishment.
Aisha: My business names Décor Max and Food Max come from my life choices. I choose to “Excel” not compete so we choose to live up to our name always striving to the “Max”.

RL: How long have you been in this business?
“Ten beautiful years; of creating, satisfying clients, making friends and building a reputation. We have handled well over 2,000 jobs.
RL: How much did it take to start up?
Aisha: A large amount to me at the time,lol!I bought all the necessary things I could afford and set to work to build my catering empire.
RL: What jobs stand out as the most notable in your portfolio?
Aisha: Well I wouldn’t call them most notable because each job is different; no two are exactly the same.
RL: What is your success rate?
Aisha: On self evaluation I would say 95% the rest so-so. I know of thirteen jobs that suffered mishaps that’s a small percentile I know but I give myself 95% pass mark not 99%,the pain of a bad job lives long after several successful ones, so I never forget those bad jobs.

RL: What does it take to run a successful home business
Aisha: An understanding and supportive family, good time management, discipline, being innovative, staying focused many things actually.
RL: Your advice for future home business owners
Aisha: Follow your talents and your passions; working for yourself is harder than working for others because you command how things go good or bad.

Decor Max and Food Max can be booked through:,


  1. Beautiful pictures to go with a beautiful story. This is a very inspirational story Saa Hamma. I am really ompressed with this lady. To do something for 10yrs and continue to be successful in a Nigeria where even the biggest companies hardly last that long is a feat indeed. Good job. And Saa, keep giving us more of such stories please.
    Zainab Magaji

    1. Thanks Zee I'm going full out to get as many inspirational women as I can.

  2. Beautiful indeed. More grease to ur elbows. Good thing you fished her out Saadatu H. Lovina

    1. Thanks Lovina.trying to fish out!
